Vitamin D plays a crucial role in bone and teeth formation by facilitating calcium fixation. It is involved in defense against viruses (influenza, respiratory infections) and contributes to proper muscular function. Recent scientific studies attribute many other properties to vitamin D, such as preventing the onset of cancers, reducing blood pressure, normalizing dry skin, and improving wound healing, among others.
A part of the scientific community wishes that the daily recommended intake of vitamin D, which is widely underestimated, be reassessed by national health agencies to fully benefit from the potential of this vitamin. Furthermore, in her book "Soleil, Mensonges et Propagande" (Sun, Lies, and Propaganda), Dr. Brigitte Houssin discusses guidelines regarding sun exposure, which may limit vitamin D production through sunlight.
Recommended Nutritional Intake (per day)
Infants: 20 to 25 µg; Children and adults: 5 µg; Elderly: 10 to 15 µg. Based on the latest global studies on vitamin D, the independent website, a pioneer in health information, recommends 25 to 40 µg for infants, 25 µg for adults (all ages), and 25 µg for pregnant and lactating women.
Natural sources of vitamin D
Vitamin D is found in food, especially in fatty fish. It can also be synthesized by the skin under sunlight. Cutaneous synthesis covers 50 to 70% of needs. In winter, a period of low light, supplementation is recommended, especially for those who spend their days indoors (elderly, urban dwellers, etc.) and for people with dark or black skin.
Sources of vitamin D per 100 g: Cod liver oil: 200 µg, salmon, herring, anchovies: 12 to 20 µg, sardines, trout, mackerel: 8 to 12 µg, eel, tuna, oyster, egg yolk: 3 to 8 µg, Butter, ham, mushroom, red mullet: 0.6 to 1.5 µg.
Synergia dietary supplements containing vitamin D
Mag® boost and mag® boost orodispersible: 9 μg (in 3 tablets or 1 sachet) - Pregnancy serenity: 5 µg in 1 capsule - baby-flore®: 0.75 μg in 1 sachet - maxi-flore®: 0.75 μg in 1 tablet - maxi-flore® orodispersible: 2.5 μg in 1 sachet - bi-ostéo®: 5 μg in 1 capsule - glutaform®: 0.75 μg in 1 sachet.
Increased needs for vitamin D
Prevention of fractures and osteoporosis in the elderly: women over 50 and men over 60, low sun exposure, prevention of certain cancers, childhood rickets, and dark-skinned individuals.
References: (1) Nutrition: Dr. Brigitte Houssin in Sun, Lies, and Propaganda. (2) Larsen T, Mose FH, Bech JN, Hansen AB, Pedersen EB. Effect of cholecalciferol supplementation during winter months in patients with hypertension: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Am J Hypertens. 2012 Nov;25(11):1215-22. doi: 10.1038/ajh.2012.111. (3) Russell M. Assessing the Relationship between Vitamin D(3) and Stratum Corneum Hydration for the Treatment of Xerotic Skin. Nutrients. 2012 Sep;4(9):1213-8. doi: 10.3390/nu4091213. (4) Burkiewicz CJ, Guadagnin FA, Skare TL, Nascimento MM, Servin SC, Souza GD. Vitamin D and skin repair: a prospective, double-blind and placebo-controlled study in the healing of leg ulcers. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2012 Oct;39(5):401-407.